Saturday, October 24, 2009

Paper Toss

Realizing that your 9 month old computer is a piece of crap: $900 dollars; sitting there for hours with your dad trying to figure out a solution: 6 hours of stress; watching your 65 year old dad entertain himself with Ipod games; priceless.

Ugh. What can I say, computers are crap. After experiencing four crashes in three days; after doing system restore only to find out it made things worse; after re-installing my whole operating system and starting from the beginning; I'm still trying to get this crap up back and running.


Bharat said...

I've always wondered what the point of system restore is... It's never restored Minesweeper for me, let alone an entire computer =(

Welcome back!

And I feel your pain =)

Tally said...

Oh technology. I'm pretty sure nothing more frustrating than computers exist.

Except maybe things like the Silent Hill games. I might have rage-quit SH4 again this weekend...

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