Monday, May 5, 2008

Dreaming of the odd.

I've been having an insane amount of weird dreams the past few nights. As I'm writing this line right now, I'm worried I'm going to forget what they're about. I can't quite remember what nights they occurred on, or if they we're all in fact in one night. 

I guess I'll talk about the first one I remember..

I dreamt about my mom and my dad and some other people that I can't remember right now, which might mean its not important to mention. But we were all up in a hotel room having a party (egh, partying with the rents) and it was a big room; typical room, two beds, a washroom, a big balcony and a rather spacious room in general. Anyways, there we're definitely people my age, I'd call 'em kids, but I'm not really a kid. Though, it could be appropriate since my parents were in the dream and I am their kid. 

Anyways, we're all sitting down and all of a sudden we hear shootings. So we look outside the window of the balcony, and by we I mean, through my eyes and all of a sudden there's two people beside me, who it seems are on our team, fighting to save us, even though the debacle was really between them and the opposing shooters. So they're shooting and the feeling I had was obviously fear, fear for me, my mom and dad. 

At one point, the room was hit with a bullet I guess, and it started to crumble. The balcony was falling, breaking in half, the room had separated in half.  I think at that point I was running around, trying to get people to jump off the balcony to safer ground. And I remember looking over at my dad, who was sitting so peacefully in a chair with his eyes closed. Mom was safe, though I can't remember where she was, but the feeling at that point, I remember it being calm. But dad wasn't. I ran over to him, jumping over that gap that had been created from the separation of the room, and he was life-less. It freaks me out to even write this part over cause I hate thinking about it. His face was warm, but he wasn't there. His eyes we're closed and he was just gone, leaving us with like this weird calm, serene smile. 

Mom had been there, doing something, but someone told me I had to leave dad and save myself and everyone else. I can't remember what happened next, but what I do remember is the opposition team getting closer to our balcony and I was all alone with the shooters on our team, so I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. At one point, I thought it was safe to get out, so I did and our shooters said they had defeated the opposition, I guess they meant killed them. 

And then I was back in the bathroom, with my mom hiding and the gun man suddenly entered. And he was like, pointing the gun at us and all I remember was starting to cry and asking him to not harm me or my mom and then he like laughed and said he wouldn't and walked out the door. Next, I was behind our shooters and they had gotten the oppositions outside our room, well half outside, de-armed them and we're about to close the door and lock it. But then the opposition had slipped a coca-cola label on the ground, stepped on it and then left. 

All of a sudden it was like an episode of like CSI where, they zoom into the label and see all of its mechanisms working, etc etc. So it was like zoomed in and then all of a sudden my dream ended with a big explosive boom. 

And thats when I woke up. What it means, I have no idea. 

My second dream isn't as vivid in my mind..but I dreamt about Jack and Jimmy (Jack's insightful friend). I had decided to go up to one of their parties, that seemed to be in some sort of recreation hall to see Jack and to re-meet Jimmy. I remember walking in and being a little dis-oriented with their friends I've heard of, but haven't met. 

Anyways, I had like passed Jack and he didn't even say hello or acknowledge that I was there. I figured I'd go up to him later, but for now just rummage through the mounds of people. I had met one of his friends, who had this girlfriend who was like hand in hand with him on the couch and I sat down and started talking to them. All of a sudden, a girl from my high-school (in the real non-dreaming world) came up and introduced herself and this guy who had the gf right beside him, started to flirt with her and make-out with her. Really bizarre. 

After that I left the couch and went over to some other people and I just remember looking over my shoulder and I saw Jack laughing. Him and his friends we're looking in my direction and laughing at the top of their lungs. Then I went to the bathroom to shed my frustrations and I remember lifting the toilet seat, but there was saran wrap on it. Luckily I had noticed it, but then all of a sudden some guy barges in and starts laughing saying it was a prank and that he almost had me. ..

That's really all I remember of that dream..weird or what?

I dunno. Dreams are as cool as they are weird, but it would be so nice to know what they actually meant. 


Bharat said...

lucky you!! i've always wanted to have strange ass dreams.. but I don't even have normal dreams... I sleep like a log.. or maybe I don't remember them..

You don't know how frustrating it is NOT to have dreams...

justchum said...

hahaha aww. no but having cracked out dreams is weird and scary, because they probably have some horrible meaning about my life..things that should/will/aren't happen/ing. Though, if i didn't have dreams, I wouldn't have stories to tell...still though, not having dreams could maybe have some benefits: )

ps i am waiting on your next post! and thanks for commenting on my blog : ))

wcgillian said...

Good for you to have the sense to write them down. When I was a Police Officer in a small town in Washington state, I had a dream that was so real I woke up terrified. Three days later the dream came true just as had dreamed. The ending was the only thing differant. "I LIVED!" Because of the dream I avoided going through a certain door. Dreams can be interesting!