Saturday, May 3, 2008

Weightless Birds.

Alcoholism is the only disease you can get yelled at for having.
"DAMNIT Autto, you've got Lupis"
"DAMNIT Autto, you're an alcoholic"

- Mitch Hedberg

haha. Thought I'd throw in a joke that came up around the table today, that is leading me to blog. If you've not heard of him, Youtube him, a.s.a.p. Seriously, stop reading my blog and go to youtube! Sadly, he's dead. Way to put it subtly eh? I pretty much suck at that. But still, go youtube him.

Anyway's before I get on with typing my head down on paper, for all those who we're concerned in the blogging world, I am feeling much better. I am no longer dizzy, my necks still stiff as a branch, but I guess its what I should expect from falling of a couch and blacking out. But anyways, back to today's early blog.

I was out with my mom and my sister tonight, to a movie and appetizers afterwards, which was really nice because I've been so occupied with myself, my friends and my thoughts. It was nice to just sit down and talk. We talked about how my mom and dad met, for like the 10th time. We talked about having kids and why my mom had as many as she did etc. etc. It was really a good conversation. I thought I knew my sister and my mom like the back of my hand, but course I didn't. I don't mean that in a bad way, not in a great way either. Hmm. Well, without giving too much about myself away (though, I've already failed with that), my mom got into talking about me having kids. And well, I've been through a medical journey. Nothing crazy serious, though ask mom about it and she'd say it was. Let's just go with, I have had my share of broken legs, from weak leg bones, yeah lets say that. But Im all over with that stuff, meaning I don't hold it against myself and feel sorry for myself, etc.

Anyways, mom got talking and the sister got talking about having kids, one day (years and years down the road) and they reminded me that I'd have a 50 percent chance of passing on what I had to my kids. It floors me to talk about this though now, cause I am only 20 and well I'm not living in the generation my parents did, which means I'm definitely not having kids soon, at all. But anyways, my sister asked me if I'd really have a kid if they we're gonna go through the same thing I did, and my response was damn well I would. Obviously, I can understand that what I went through would be hard for the people around me , that knew me, but my kid having to face that, I could deal and it would only make them stronger. Cliche much? Its what my parents taught me.

My sister said that she would not have a kid if she knew it had to go through that, or anything else. I looked over to my mom, and I could tell she was thinking the same thing, in the sense that she wouldn't want something like that to be repeated. I get it. She's a mom, she had a hard time with her emotions and me and hospitals and doctors, and tears. I really do understand, but I mean I would not stop myself from having a kid because I am prepared to face whatever life throws and Im ready to help my kid get through that too. I hope thats not coming across as selfish, but I wouldn't be able to do that to myself. It would mess so much more with my concience to not have a kid because there would be a 50 percent chance of medical problems, than to actually have a kid and deal with those challenges.

I have nothing against what my sister and mom (what she said with her eyes) said, but it just made me think about the person I am and want to continue to be. I don't shy away in the face of new things, different things, challenging things.

I just, feel like people these days, everything is about simplicity and convinience and same-ity. Same-ity; my word, for a lack of a better word, to describe how people are afraid of something different in life, different shoes than anyone, a different hair style, different interior designs etc.
I feel like people take the easy way out; walking in a straight line, instead of around the corner. I dunno, couldn't think of a great example, though if I did have a better one, I'm pretty sure it would be an epic point I was making.

Anyway's like I said, its about a decade away, maybe a year less than that, even though I don't put time gaps on anything, but its likely it is a long time away. But it got me thinking, which led me to blogging. It's off my mind, kind of.

Oh, and now that I am feeling a lot better, I can actually take time to read my favorite blogs, which I've missed oh so much.

Pull those socks up and don't crash that pumpkin.
Cheers mates. : )

1 comment:

Bharat said...

hopefully I figure in one of those favorite... Glad to know you're doing okay, although I do have to read your previous entry to find what was ailing you in the first place... Intriguing...

I hope you do end up doing that eventually... even after you grow older and tons of things are weighing you down... it actually IS selfish... but your kid is the only thing you're allowed to be selfish about... And I'm sure your future kids would be glad you brought them into the world (plus they've got a mum like you :) )... obviously... keep your spirit alive....